Monday, July 2, 2007

Living the Posh Mom Life

Have you ever read a book and while you read it thought,"Wow! I wish that was me!" That was my thought when I started reading "Living the Posh Mom Life " by Amy Nevens and JaraNegrin, founders of

After reading further into this "Fun, Fabulous and Fashionable Guide to Motherhood", I realized I am a bit more posh than I initially thought! Yeah! For example, I scored well on the "How Posh Are You?" quiz and it was revealed that I was "Posh Present and Accounted For"!

Another example: "The Posh Moms makes it a priority to show and tell her children that they top her list-anytime, anywhere." Well, I feel that I do a pretty "Posh" job loving my kids and telling them so! I continued reading the book. This was good for my ego!

Where do I fall short in "poshness"? Oh, plenty of areas! Like, the fact that a PM (Posh Mom) needs to "slow down and make something in her kitchen- at least a few days a week. If the pizza man recognizes your voice on the phone and completes your address for you, it's a sign you've been ordering in too much." My pizza guy has my pizza waiting for me before I get to the door and greets me by name when I go to pick it up! What?? My kids love pizza...(OK, so do I)!

So, I fall short...the great thing about "Living the Posh Mom Life" is that it offers up tips and solutions to help you create a posh life! The book is packed full of picks that offer must-have products to help you in your quest to be more posh. Also, found throughout the book are quick tips to help you substitute pricey accessories for more budget friendly ones, find a babysitter, and talk to your decorator in her language.

This book covers everything from inner beauty to outer beauty, relationships, entertaining, juggling work and motherhood...pretty much all the topics a modern woman needs to know about! It's a must-read for all you moms out there, posh or not (you probably are more than you know)! Posh is not about being perfect, it's about being put-together and this book will show you how to live the posh life you deserve!