I'm loving this book! "Climbing Mountains in Stilettos, Not Your Average Trail Guide To Life" by Ann Tinkham and Carol Brunelli is a woman's kick-butt guide to life. No, they are not crazy...stilettos are not for hiking...but they believe that "climbing mountains in stilettos is a metaphor for being a strong female in our culture". I love the way they encourage women to gain feelings of confidence in this book.
One chapter in particular that spoke to me is "Trail #5, Luscious Body Hot Springs". Consider what they have to say, " If you find yourself thinking about how your body rates or doesn't rate, you are most likely involved in self-loathing and shame; you are keeping yourself small. When women keep themselves small, they don't realize their power and potential; they don't go forth and change the world."
How true is that?? Stop focusing on what you consider to be your "flaws" and start focusing your energy on making change. Teach your child how to read, go for that raise at work, learn a new skill, donate your time to charity...
I'm so inspired...more to come from this book in the near future!